As a cartographer by trade, I began working in the B.C. forest industry in 1991 for a coastal forestry consulting firm. I successfully applied my mapping and GIS skills to my cartography work and was also privileged to participate in many other forestry related activities such as road layout and design, cut block engineering, harvest planning, timber cruising and Silviculture activities.
In 1996, I joined a mapping firm to expand my technical skills on other software platforms while concurrently taking on increasing project management and supervisory roles.
In 1999, this company was purchased and I chose to relocate to the lower mainland. At that time, I moved out of the mapping and GIS business areas to focus on business analysis and project management for other sectors of the forest industry including fibre management and pulp and paper operations.
Today, I provide services to all sectors of the forest industry from woodlands to pulp and paper in B.C., Alberta, and Washington State. I hope to expand my services to other geographic areas as well.
Personally, I am a husband and father to my great wife and two wonderful children. I enjoy mountain biking, hiking, camping and fishing. Reading a good book in peace and quiet (a rarity in our house) is an enjoyable escape too!
Last, but certainly not least, I owe all of my joy and success in both work and life to the unbounded grace, healing and love of my Lord, Jesus Christ, without whom I would not be where I am today. I enjoy serving in our local church as a greeter and had the pleasure of delivering a sermon titled “Upping Our Prayer Game”. If you’ve read this far, I hope you enjoy this 25 minute talk.